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5 Signs You Need a New Garage Door

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The garage door is your house’s face, so you always want it to be beautiful and secure.

We understand you might consider repair after repair to save your budget when it doesn’t function.

The reality is sometimes different because endless repairs can cost you tons of money (and boost your frustration of booking appointments repeatedly and waiting).

As a whole, a garage door replacement will be the ultimate solution if you notice these five signs below:

1. It keeps breaking!

You have urgent things to head out for and can’t open the garage door. The problem takes a massive amount of time to fix, and the repair bill makes you feel unpleasant after finally returning home.

It might repeatedly happen, especially when you’re so busy with other personal matters.

Instead of running in circles, reach out to Kooler Garage Doors. Our certified technicians can suggest feasible options to save your time and budget. They’ll inspect your garage door and help you decide whether a garage door replacement is essential based on the severity.

Common issues come from the opener, springs, and remote control. 

You shouldn’t check out the door elements by yourself due to safety problems. Our skilled technicians know where to examine and measure. After that, they’ll offer viable plans for your needs and financial condition.

A helpful reminder: The garage door brings more convenience to your daily routine more you think. 

A new garage door will always be a wise, long-term investment. 

2. You catch signals of wear and tear.

Some homeowners see this red flag when using wood-based garage doors for a long time, as wood is threatened by snow, rain, and sunlight. 

Other garage doors can be suspect to spring and roller issues, faulty installation, and age.

A garage door’s average durability is between 15 and 30 years, but the number can vary based on the item quality, frequency of use, and climate.

For example, worn springs can’t hold tension properly, so the door might slam shut or open abruptly. This deterioration might cause severe injuries to people and damage to property. Don’t wait for an accident to happen if you’ve seen the signs of a faulty door.

Experts recommend talking to a certified inspector with the insights and skills to assess the situation. 

The cost of a new garage door is cheaper than your peace of mind.

3. You hear many creaky sounds.

Consider an upgrade if your garage door keeps causing these noises when opening or closing.

That’s because the sounds are signaling hidden problems in the door structure. Creaking or squeaking might be due to a lack of lubrication, wear and tear, or friction among door elements. 

On the other hand, rattling noises tell you that some parts are loose, such as screws and bolts.

Long-time technicians usually see broken rollers, springs, and brackets as common reasons why your garage door emits those disturbing tones repeatedly.

Bottom line: don’t dismiss this red flag because it’ll cost you bitterly for frequent repairs.

A thorough check from a trained inspector is crucial to determine the severity and proceed to feasible plans (fixing or replacing).

Your safety and comfort must be the top priority.

4. You’ve spent a lot to fix it.

Regular visits for repair indicate that you need a brand-new garage door. 

Fixing a garage door involves many damaged elements. Sometimes, you might discover even more flaws and new broken parts that confuse you.

The big question is: “How do I know if I should replace it?”

An adept technician will bring the ultimate answer since they have deep insights and experience to ensure you have viable, long-term solutions.

Common sense: if you keep having a worn-out door fixed, then give up and finally purchase a new garage door, why not buy it at the beginning?

Your money is gold, and time is diamond.

5. You plan to sell the house.

As mentioned, the garage door is your house’s first impression and is vital in glamorizing curb appeal.

It’ll boost your home value and help you impress potential buyers. A brand new garage door also guarantees top-rate materials, which bring more benefits to the buyer (living or reselling)

Especially when buyers have a professional team for inspecting your house, the garage door will be on their radar. You can’t simply repair some elements and hope they won’t identify damages.

We understand that you’re hesitant about upgrading this item. Why not think about its leverage when negotiating the sale? 

Some buyers might require you to reduce the asking price because the old garage door ruins the curb appeal.

Great news: According to a national report by Remodeling magazine, a garage door replacement gives householders the most ROI among 22 renovation projects.

Tips to Maintain Your Garage Door Quality

Of course, you don’t want to buy two garage doors a year. Here are quick tips to keep your brand-new door sustainable:

  • Listen to sounds when using the door, helping you detect minor malfunctions.
  • Add enough lubrication to increase its lifespan.
  • Clean up the tracks to prevent water and debris from causing obstructions or damage.
  • Check the pulleys and cables to notice potential damages.
  • Upgrade your weatherstrip, protecting the door from dust and water.
  • Stiffen the brackets and bolts.
  • Examine the door balance regularly. 

If you check off those tips, you won’t have to look up “garage door repair near me” for long.

Kooler Garage Doors care deeply about your garage because your convenience matters! We’re here to make life a little more convenient for you without spending thousands. 
Contact us now to gain your FREE QUOTE.

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